Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our Easter was GREAT!  I would share pictures...but they're all on my in-law's camera.  I have some too but I'm at work.  I'll share them later.  :)

The rest of my week though has been crap not so great.  I am a photographer and my worst nightmare EVER occurred.  I'm not going to share the awful horribleness of it all details but yeah...stinks is not a strong enough word.

It sucked.


So what do I do when I'm stressed and depressed?

I window shop.  And watch Princess and the Frog with my special girl but that is a story for another day. 

So in my window shopping I found these...

Don't they look amazingly comfortable?  I can totally picture them hanging from a shade tree in a backyard or on a wraparound porch.

I would use these to read comfortable.

Then I started thinking about comfortable hammocks...and I wished I had one.

Here are some awesome pictures of what I mean...


And another variation of the same hammock...

And this is just what it looks like...basically a stock pic of it.

Wow...does that look amazing and comfortable or what???  I seriously want to stick that in a backyard or bring it on a beach vacay with me.  I would just crawl inside with my pillow and a blanket and fall asleep.


Wow...the ultimate modern hammock.  Who says hammocks aren't contemporary?  Here's proof!

#3...and finally...who said hammocks are just and outdoors thing? 

Um...quite possibly the most awesome hammock I have ever seen.  Love. 

So...very random post, I know but it's where I am picturing myself right now.  Curled up in a hammock a) reading Pride and Prejudice or b) with my blanket snoozing away.  Mmmmmmmmmm.....

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