Friday, April 8, 2011


This week has been crazy and good all mixed into one.  My in-law's had a week in Park City with their time share and we got to go enjoy the crazy goodness Park City had to offer. 

Last night for example.  It was snowing...lots.  The big real substantial snowflakes.  But we went to the hot tub.  The steam was CRAZY!  It felt like a steam room.  But it was soooooooooooo fun.  And the Princess...?  Yeah, she LOVED it.  She's a total fish at heart I've determined. 

One of the things that is just awesome about Park City is the fact that they have a World Market.  Yum!  And the next cool thing?  It's almost my birthday.  So I got majorly spoiled rotten.  My mom-in-law took me shopping yesterday while the Princess was napping.  My favorite purchase was this little guy...

He was sitting on the clearance rack because he was missing his lid.  It made me sad and I just had to take him home.  I don't drink tea so he was even more perfect for me.  Why?  I'm going to use him as a planter for my new orchid I bought a couple weeks ago.  I think he's so cute and just chock full of personality. 

I also bought some awesome cloth napkins that I'm going to turn into pillows for the window seats.  And a pretty pitcher and...well, yeah...needless to say World Market is amazing and I love it.  And their Peach Soda Pop is so yummy! 

So I hope your weekend is gonna be as good as mine!  My baby brother is coming home from his LDS mission tomorrow and my birthday is on Sunday so weekend is gonna rock!  :) 

1 comment:

Natalia said...

Oh! The elephant is so cute! :) And the pillows will probably be SO awesome! (definitely post a picture of when the window seats are all done)

Is it really tomorrow? Wow, where did all the time go?

Happy birthday! Hope its great. :)